將 esxi 4 的 sshd 打開:
Unsupported Console and SSH on ESXi 4
This will likely not generate as much fanfare as it did for the 3.5 release of ESXi, however I can confirm that it does indeed still work in vSphere ESXi 4. This is the procedure I used to get it up and running on my “Lab” box.
- alt-f1 (Note: As pointed out below, you will not see your typing on this screen, just trust us, it is there).
- unsupported
- root pw
- vi /etc/inetd.conf
- delete the “#” from ssh
- restart
I’ve also poked around a bit, and found that while scp works, sftp does not. Also note that some commenters had to do the following to get this to work: ps aux |grep inetd (getting the PID) and then kill -HUP PID
copy 到 /vmfs/{掛給VM用的storage}
再用vSphere Client 開 VM ,掛上ISO 檔, copy 安裝到Guest機裡,解壓縮安裝